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Staff Application Guidelines
Before submitting your application, please read the following carefully to understand the process and expectations:
Follow the format provided below. Applications that don’t follow the format will be denied.
Use proper grammar and write your application in English.
Recent in-game warnings: Ensure you have no active warnings on your record. (Warnings usually expire after one week.)
If you’re unsure about your warning status, please open a ticket on our Discord before posting your application.
Reapplication: If your application is denied, you may reapply after two weeks.
One application at a time: If you need to update your application, edit your original post instead of creating a new one.
Rank progression: When you apply, you are applying to join a specific rank. Please read SPECIFIC RANKS AND ROLES for the respective rank you are applying for. New staff members begin as Helpers, where they will undergo an activity and performance evaluation over 2-3 months. After this period, staff members may apply for a promotion to Trial Moderator or higher in a separate forum. Active participation and adherence to server rules during this time are key to progression.
Failure to comply with these guidelines or breaking server rules during the review period may result in your application being denied.

Staff Application Format
Copy and fill out the format below when submitting your application:

Minecraft Username:
Discord Tag (username#0000):
What is your age?
Total Time Played on the Server:
How many hours per day can you contribute to the team?
Rank Applying For:
Current Rank:
What can you do to help the community?
Why do you want to help the community?
Do you have previous experience as staff on other servers?
Have you been previously banned, or do you have active warnings?
Have you previously applied for staff?
How did you find our server?

Scenario Questions:
  1. Billy and John get into an argument. Billy starts using inappropriate language towards John because John killed him in a PvP-enabled area. How would you handle this situation?
  2. Billy has donated to the server’s store but didn’t receive his rank in-game. He reaches out to you, but you don’t have the permissions to resolve the issue. What steps would you take to assist him?
  3. A player is spamming and using excessive caps in chat. Despite multiple warnings, they continue their behavior. What would you do in this situation?

By submitting this application, you confirm that you have reviewed the server rules, meet the minimum requirements for your desired rank, and understand the responsibilities associated with the role. Good luck!

Staff Promotion Format
Copy and fill out the format below when submitting your promotion application:

Minecraft Username:
Discord Tag (username#0000):
Current Staff Rank:
Requested Promotion Rank:
Time with Current Rank:
Total Playtime on the Server:
Reasons for Promotion:
Examples of Contributions or Achievements:
Added information you want to include:

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About Us
    Sleepless UNIT is a gaming community thats been around since 2015, We host many games, have a hosting company, and are just looking or new friends and gamers to connect with!