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PZ Server Rules
1. 1. Be Respectful

  A.  You are a guest on Sleepless, do not adopt an entitled nor disruptive attitude.
  B.  Respect the server, its players, and staff who have spent time creating it.
  C.  Give other players the benefit of the doubt when disagreements or incidents occur.
  D.  Do not argue with other players in /all chat, take it to a private chat.
  E.  Do not bring up topics that would lead to debates or arguments in /all chat.
  F.  English only in public chat, brief phrases in another language are ok.

1. 2. No Duping or Cheating

  A.  If items duplicate by accident, dispose of the duplicates.
  B.  If items seem to be duplicating often, please report it.
  C.  Do not exploit bugs, report them.  Do not discuss bugs or exploits publically both in game or on the discord.
  D.  Use of third party tools is strictly prohibited.
  F.   Do not create illegal kill boxes to farm kills, must be realistic, gun kill boxes are allowed if youre using ammo but you must have a risk of dying if using melee!
3. No Griefing or Theft

  A.  Do not deliberately ruin the world or another’s property, report accidents.
  B.  Do not purposely obstruct roads with items or vehicles.
  C.  Do not move another person's claimed vehicles without reasonable cause.
  D.  Open-world map changes, like gated buildings, must be handled by administrators. Submit a ticket if needed.
  E.  If it can be reasonably concluded that items belong to an active player, taking them is considered theft, and highly frowned upon.
  F. Always drive on the right side when passing. Reckless driving without cause may result in being whitelisted for the "Sunday Driver" trait on all characters.

4. Loot and Litter

 A.  Do not discard unwanted items on the ground, it contributes to lag. Stuff them in a zombie to despawn later.
  B.  Use a container’s “Delete All” feature to remove unwanted items.
  C.  Do not leave items on the ground in your safehouse for an extended period. "Place" them instead.
  D.  You may pick up decoration tiles from POIs in moderation.
  E.  Do not destroy loot containers or excessively disassemble the world. Use skill books for carpentry, electronics, mechanics, and metalworking to gain XP instead.

5. Character Creation
  A.  Select a reasonable name, nothing edgy or offensive.
  B.  Players may have up to 1 alternate characters in addition to your main.
  C.  Alt characters may not be used to exceed vehicle claim or safehouse claim limit.
6. Residential/Custom Safezones

  A.  Regarding all zone types (Residential, Custom, Faction), only residential buildings are to be claimed. Exceptions can be made based on location - based on admin approval via support ticket.  Please note, members of faction zones (or shared custom zones) would be giving up their ability to have residential claims, as this is used to invite members to a custom zone.
  B.  Custom Safezones cannot exceed 50x50, unless expansions are purchased via the supporter tiers.
  C.  No safezones in close proximity to areas that have large amounts of essential loot spawn.
  D.  Safezones are not allowed at important POI like prisons, military camps, the power plant, custom map POIs, etc.
  E.  Making reasonable modifications is ok, leave the safehouse structure intact. If there are questions or concerns, open a ticket for review.
7. Community Center
  A.  Take from the donation containers sparingly, items are donated by the community.
  B.  Please do not attempt to destroy anything in or around the CC except trees and zombies.
  C.  You may use the books, magazines, VHS and other media in the CC library but return them before leaving.
  D.  No parking oversized vehicles in CC parking lot. Use overflow parking to the west.
  E.  If you leave your vehicle in cc parking lot for too long or park like an asshole, your vehicle will be towed.
       Community Center Housing (Regulated by HOA)

8. Community Center Housing ( Regulated by HOA )
  A.  First come first serve.
  B.  Do not build structures outside your house or expand on your house within the CC zone. Making building adjustments inside your home, or a small farm outside is fine.
  C.  1 player per safehouse. Apartments can have up to 3 players.
  D.  1 Vehicle and 1 small trailer per player within the CC zone
  E.  Keep item storage reasonable—no hoarding 10k+ items in your safehouse. Excessive storage may lead to eviction to reduce CC Zone lag.

9. Vehicles

  A.  Vehicle claim limit is 4 per account. If you have alt characters, the total number of vehicles allowed between all personal characters is still 4.
  B.  Do not Horde unclaimed vehicles and expect to "claim" all of them inside your safezone. If you have more than 4 vehicles as a solo player or 8 as a faction around or within the boundary or of your safehouse (or custom safezone) zone, you will be expected to keep the unclaimed vehicles outside the safezone boundary, and agree to having them potentially  claimed by others. Unclaimed vehicles must be accessible to other players. Trailers, ISO containers, Misc. Utility Vehicles, while claimable, can be stored on safezones (See Section D). The only way to truly secure your items from other players is to have a claimed vehicle.
  C.  If you have multiple players listed in your safezone/faction the maximum vehicle limit is raised to 8 per safehouse (or custom safezone) Please note alts are not counted towards overall count.
  D.  Admins reserve the right to question and remove vehicles as they see fit.  If you have a question or concern, please reach out as well.

10. Admins and You

  A.  Do not DM any admins for any reason. Instead, create a ticket in the discord  for any questions or concerns have.
  B.  Be respectful towards admins.
  C.  Do not demand things from admins, ask nicely and be patient for a response.

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    Sleepless UNIT is a gaming community thats been around since 2015, We host many games, have a hosting company, and are just looking or new friends and gamers to connect with!